
Expert: Spain Ignored Mosque Tied to Bombs
The Spanish government deliberately ignored a mosque known for fundamentalist preachings and frequented by suspects in the Madrid train bombings because the facility was financed by Saudi Arabia, an academic expert testified Wednesday. Spanish authorities knew for years the city's largest mosque, the Islamic Cultural Center, adhered to the Wahabi fundamentalist movement sponsored by Saudi Arabia, Islam expert Jesus Nunez told a commission investigating the March 11 bombings. Authorities did nothing to monitor the mosque because Saudi Arabia provides Spain with oil, Nunez said.
I think the off-used phrase "No Blood For Oil" fits nicely here, don't you?
"Until now the West in general — and Spain as part of it — closed its eyes to what Wahabism means as a rigorous doctrine that violates human rights," said Nunez, who runs a Madrid think tank called the Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action. Spanish investigators have said key suspects in the bombings that killed 190 people prayed at the mosque. The suspects included Serhane Ben Abdelmajid Fakhet, an accused ringleader who blew up himself and six other suspects April 3 as police prepared to arrest them.
Posted by: Steve 2004-07-15