
100+ al-Qaeda cells in Morocco
Morocco, which is home to most of the suspects in the Madrid train bombing. is teeming with some 100 al-Qaeda-linked cells that are capable of suicide attacks and pose Europe’s biggest terrorist threat, Spain’s leading anti-terrorism judge testified Thursday. Each cell has five to 10 members, "so we are talking about 900 to 1,000 people who could be sought by police now in Morocco," Judge Baltasar Garzon told lawmakers investigating the March 11 attacks, which killed 190 people. Garzon cited police and intelligence data.
Yeah, but haven’t the Moroccans jugged upwards of 1,000 hard boyz in response to the Casablanca booms? Granted, those aren’t all terrorists but also the support folks and accompanying holy men, but it still looks like they’ve done a pretty good job of cleaning up their own domestic mess.
"In my opinion it is the gravest problem Europe faces today with this kind of terrorism," Garzon said, noting that many of those groups are in northern Morocco, with members who speak perfect Spanish and are able to slip easily in and out of Spain. The two countries are just a short ferry ride away from each other across the Strait of Gibraltar.
The Tangiers cell at least appears to have followed this route in an effort to escape the Moroccan crackdown.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-07-15