
Ferocious, Weak and Crazy: The North Korean Strategy
This article was originally posted back on January 9. But as the editor points out, events since then have born out the author's points.

The author posits that fat boy North Korea has positioned itself as ferocious "by appearing to have, or to be on the verge of having, devastating power." Certainly, thousands of artillery pieces aimed at Seoul and the occasional shelling elsewhere have helped.

Second, they positioned themselves as being weak such that no matter how ferocious they are, there would be no point in pushing them because they are going to collapse anyway. And third, they positioned themselves as crazy, meaning pushing them would be dangerous since they were liable to engage in the greatest risks imaginable at the slightest provocation.

The article then shifts to "The China Angle and the Iranian Pupil". The Chinese may be using North Korea to further their aim of territorial expansion against the Japanese.

"It is impossible for us to know what the Chinese are thinking, and we have no overt basis for assuming the Chinese and North Koreans are collaborating, but we do note that China has taken an increasing interest in stabilizing North Korea. For its part, North Korea has tended to stage these crises -- and their subsequent Chinese interventions -- at quite useful times for Beijing."

Iran has been the best pupil of the Ferocious, Weak and Crazy strategy. "Additionally, Iran's rhetoric at times can certainly be considered crazy: Tehran has carefully cultivated perceptions that it would wage nuclear war even if this meant the death of all Iranians. Like North Korea, Iran also has managed to retain its form of government and its national sovereignty. Endless predictions of the fall of the Islamic republic to a rising generation have proved false."
The west needs to find a more effective way to counter this strategy.
Posted by: Thraiger Elmetch4894 2013-12-16