
First the 75 & 100-watts bulbs, now the 40 & 60-watts
Fans of the country's most popular light bulbs - the traditional 40 and 60-watt incandescent bulbs - are encouraged to start stocking up as on January 1 it will become illegal for American businesses to either manufacture or import the old-style bulbs.

The beginning of 2013 saw the phasing out of incandescent 75 and 100-watt light bulbs.
Those are my favorite watts and disappearing, they are.
Possible alternatives to the old-style bulbs are halogen bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL), LED bulbs and high efficiency incandescents - all are more energy efficient, but also more expensive.
...and also, the light they cast is unusable.
'Get them while you still can,' Home Depot, the nation's largest bulb retailer, is urging on its website. 'Stock up on incandescent light bulbs before they are completely discontinued.'

'Home Depot anticipates running out of their stock of 40W to 60W bulbs six months into 2014,' Mark Voykovic, the store's national light bulb merchant, told FoxNews.
Posted by: Sherry 2013-12-16