
Kos Kid: To hell with the Second Amendment
Kos Kid, so it's easy pickins.
Thanks to Mike Vanderboegh

After watching CNN's special on Guns today with a special focus on suicides by gun (more veterans of our wars committed suicide last year then were killed in Afghanistan), I am more convinced than ever that the United States of America has to come to terms with separating weapons from veterans in mental crisis.
Nice hook. The subtext is the kind of massive government involvement the left loves.
And after the recent shooting in Colorado after an eighteen year old purchased a shotgun legally less than a week before critically wounding another student then taking his own life, I am for a lengthy waiting period before buying a weapon and also having the purchaser take a comprehensive safety course on such a weapon and being interviewed by a mental health professional to determine the reason for and necessity for buying such a weapon and if a student and living at home the mental health professional would also interview the parents, guardians, and teachers of a younger age buyer if they are aware of this would-be weapon owner's desire.
Waitaminut. You were talking about veterans. What does a Kommie Kid have to do with your opening argument? Also, the writer wants every potential new gun purchaser to get an interview by the "mental health" professional, you know: The kind the government licenses. I don't see any potential for abuse there. No sirree bob! You'll notice after the due notice of veterans, to "protect them", this Kos Kid does not include any reference to veterans after that hook.
The cost of such a comprehensive background check would be paid for by the gun manufacturers of America and the NRA. Included in the purchase of the weapon if all the checks are done would be malpractice insurance covering the use of the weapon in connection with any criminal act by the purchaser.
Which, as you will note, do not go to the polls to vote. Nice one. You're a big hero going against the evil, greedy corporation all the while failing to note their abject lack of political influence. And as for criminal acts, can we include the cops with this?
No weapon should ever be sold over the internet nor should ammo be sold in this way.
Thus spake the internet fascist.
All guns and ammo should be sold through gun dealers. No gun show loopholes
Just admit it. This is total disarmament for your political opponents, using the offices of the government to do the dirty work you refuse to do.
All those who purchase said weapons would have to notify the police and the FBI that they have bought a weapon and show proof that there is a proper gun safe at home.
Because of the extra police work involved, there should be levied a "sin" tax on the weapon as well paid for by purchaser.
Why is it statists and fascists are always wanting to increase the coffers of the one entity that prints and is supposed to maintain the currency? Ever wonder why that is so?
Since gun owners have proudly showed on youtube clips how easy it is to change magazine clips of 30 or less rounds, effectively a semi-automatic operates as an automatic and therefore should be outright banned for sale in the United States.
More revenge against political opponents using the offices of government as your personal army.
To eliminate gun violence on the streets of Detroit, New Orleans, and other plagued inner cities where it is "fast and furious" and straw purchased guns are sold illegally, it is necessary to institute a gun registration so that every gun can be traced back to its original purchaser.
Virginia: Get a gun. Seriously.
My understanding of the Second Amendment in that the right to keep and bear arms was in context of a "well-regulated militia" in place of a standing army at the time of its passage which there was none. Now we do have such standing armies and the National Guard and local police.
Your understanding sux. That phrase was intended to allow gun owners to retain their weapons regardless of whether they are in an militia or not. Now, my Second Amendment understanding has evolved thanks to fascists like Virginia to mean the remaining bulwark against a tyranny imposed by a majority. You know, like imposing restrictions on a right in the Bill of Rights.
Frankly, the ability of any Tom, Dick,Harry, SusieQ, to buy any weapon or ammo without adequate scrutiny has made life cheap and unless a person has eyes in the back of his or her head, makes no one safer.
Gun laws are not written to make anyone safer, but the thugs who are in law enforcement and their political and elected paymasters Elimination of gun laws allow every one to be safe regardless if they are fascists like Virginia or anyone else. More draconian gun laws make everything worse and just add to the possibility of open armed revolt..
Posted by: badanov 2013-12-17