
New USA-Israeli Crisis Involving Defense Exports to China
A top Israeli defense official was forced to step down according to Maariv, after the United States expressed fury at Israel's decision to sell military equipment to China.

Meir Shalit, the Department Head for Defense Exports at the Defense Ministry, announced his resignation last week. While Shalit did not announce the reasons behind his resignation, the report claims that he voluntary resigned after US official investigations last month over the transfer revealed that the move took place with his approval. Shalit officially explained to the Americans how the aforesaid Israeli export ended up in China. According to findings in Israel, the technology was sold to a European company who transferred it to China. Shalit apologized to the US in a visit late last week.

The specific technology in question includes a miniature
refrigeration system manufactured by Ricor, which is used for missiles and in electro-optic equipment.

The conflict, according to the daily, stems from different interpretations of the military weapon support contract between the US and Israel. Israel explained to US officials that sensitive components of the equipment had been removed before the transfer and were being held in Europe. However, the US insisted that the fact that equipment eventually made its way to China at all presents a security risk to the Middle East.

The US is concerned that the advanced technology could trickle from China to Iran, according to the report. Iran tried to buy equipment from China at least once to boost its nuclear weapons production, according to a report published earlier this year.

The US and Israel have clashed over weapons and air force transfers before. Between 2000-2003, the US forced Israel to cancel sale of the Phalcon airborne radar system to China, at a steep price of over $300 million in compensation fees. Amos Yaron, the director general of Israeli defense ministry, was also forced to resign after the nation was discovered to have sold unmanned aerial vehicles to China back in 2005. In May 2012, the Israel State Comptroller issued a severe report regarding the defense export supervision and control mechanisms that exist within IMOD, claiming that in several cases, exports to such countries as China had been authorized contrary to the position of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Chinese issue is regarded as particularly sensitive, as despite the severe restrictions imposed on defense exports to China, Israel, generally, is keenly interested in strengthening the political connections and trade relations with China, in view of the fact that the Chinese economy is growing at a breathtaking rate. China and Israel have strengthened their political and economic ties considerably over the past year. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Jerusalem last week to discuss the economic possibilities, several months after both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Economics Minister Naftali Bennett made successful trips to the Far Eastern country. As Israel strengthens its political and economical ties with China, military cooperation between the two nations has become an increasingly sensitive topic for Washington.

This post compiled from a variety of sources, including Arutz Sheva and israeldefense.com.
Posted by: Pappy 2013-12-28