
Champ and the Renouncing of American Power
by Steve White

In which I respond to Jennifer Rubin's column, "Renouncing American Power", yesterday at WaPo.

Recently we've seen news in Iraq about a resurgent al-Qaeda -- you know, the terrorist organization that our President, Champ, had said was "on the run" during the 2012 election -- taking on the Iraqi army in Anbar Province, including the storied city of Falluja. Today's Burg has a story about the civilians who have fled that city and another editorial from Dawn (of all places!) that wonders when American resolve will set things in Iraq straight.

Dream on.

Ms. Rubin at 'Right Turn' -- she being, with George Will, the token conservatives at WaPo -- points out that Champ and our large-chinned Secretary of State, Jahwn Kerry, are preparing the ground for the U.S. to abandon Iraq. While we say we want Iraq to succeed, so says Kerry, and we'll even ship them a few drones and missiles (if the Iraqi government, led by Prime Minister al-Maliki, promises not to use them against civilians), we don't plan to intervene directly. Ms. Rubin quotes a former ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, who points out in a WaPo op-ed piece that Kerry's recent statement that "this fight is not our but the Iraqis", undercuts all the 'good commitments' that have been made to Iraq.

Of course it undercuts our commitments. That's precisely the point.

Champ has no intention of stopping al-Qaeda in Iraq, and Jahwn Kerry's statements in the recent presser that "this fight is not our but the Iraqis" makes that perfectly clear. Kerry and Champ are simply laying the groundwork for a bout of handwringing and inaction. Expect one or both (or the numbskull Joe Biden) to tell us in the very near future about how our options are limited and how -- gasp! -- we don't want to put boots on the ground. Ms. Rubin lays out the sequence of events in more detail if you need the dots shoved very, very close together. Suffice to say that we're pretty far along.

But there's more to this. This is not an isolated event for Champ and the administration; it's not war-weariness; and it's not just that we're drawing (yet another) red-line, this time to the Iraqis, telling them to shape up and solve their problems because we've already given at the office. You haven't heard a single word, phrase, speech or leak to deliver that message, because that isn't Champ's message.

No, the message Champ has is simple: we're not renouncing American power in Iraq, we're renouncing American power. This is just another example for Champ to make clear to Russia, to China, to the Saudis, to the Syrians, and to the Europeans that he wants to withdraw American influence around the world in every way he can. Al-Qaeda can have Iraq, Iran can have nuclear weapons, Pencilneck can gas the people of Syria, Morsi can have power back in Egypt (and the bomb too if he pushes for it, Champ is generous that way), the Palestinians can have all the land between the Jordan and the Med, and the Chinese can do whatever they like in East and South Asia -- which is everything. Putin will get his too. There will be no advancement of American interests because Champ doesn't believe that we have any legitimate interests in the world. Instead we'll waste time, effort and diplomatic energy twisting the arms of the Israelis into giving up their country, which should seal a second Nobel peace prize.

Champ doesn't care about foreign policy. He never has, it's an inconvenience to him that takes time away from his true goal of "transforming" America into a socialist state. He has no firm grasp of history, no true understanding despite his education in Indonesia and in proper left-wing academia of how the world works, no desire to wield power outside our borders, and has fixed himself to the most socialist, left-wing nonsense about America's place in the world.

People keep missing the point which Champ keeps trying to make as clearly as he can: the biggest enemy in the world to him is the Tea Party, followed closely by the Republicans, then the Catholic Church, and after them the British. The world? Islamicism? Genocide? Thuggery? None of that registers.
Posted by: Steve White 2014-01-09