
Arroyo saves hostage, but at what cost?
The Philippines leader's handling of a kidnapped worker has broken every rule in the book of dealing with blackmailers, writes Mark Baker in Manila.
Late last week, soon after Iraqi kidnappers first broadcast their threats to behead Filipino truck driver Angelo de la Cruz, the Government of President Gloria Arroyo showed every appearance of hanging tough. "We will not be cowed and be blackmailed by acts of terrorism," vowed Vice-President Noli de Castro, the popular former TV anchor who helped secure Dr Arroyo a second term in close elections two months ago. The administration's public refusal to bow to demands for an immediate pull-out of the small Philippines military and police contingent in Iraq drew lavish praise for the President from US ambassador to Manila Francis Ricciardone: "I see a leader who has strength and compassion in a way that is truly inspirational here. It's a tough crisis, and leaders are called upon in a crisis to do hard things."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-07-17