
State Department Blows Up NY Times Benghazi story
[Atlas Shrugs] In a stunning and unrecoverable blow to the lower than whale shit already damaged reputation of the NY Times, the State department today blamed al Qaeda-linked groups for the 2012 Benghazi attack on America.
Perhaps it does.... make a difference.
For the NY Times, it may have been the first salvo in the Hildebeast 2016 defensive offensive, but like the jihad bomber who detonates too early, the NY Times blew itself up and Hillary, too. If America is deaf, dumb and blind enough to elect her, they deserve the punishment they will most assuredly get.
Sorry lads, the "dumb enough" theory has already been proven with the current WH occupant.
Champ blamed the first amendment and jailed a Coptic Christian who made a you tube video for a murderous jihad attack on September 11th. ThatÂ’s the real story.
As you may have noticed, Mooslims have a habit of blaming Christians and Jews.
Posted by: Besoeker 2014-01-11