
Mugabe Appears in Public to Mourn Sister
[An Nahar] Zim-bob-we President Bob Muggsy Mugabe
Octogenarian President-for-Life of Zim-bob-we who turned the former Breadbasket of Africa into the African Basket Case...
has made his first public appearance this year, quashing speculation about his health as he mourns his sister's death.

State television on Monday showed images of Mugabe greeting government officials and members of his ZANU-PF party at his official residence in the capital Harare.

The veteran leader, who turns 90 next month, did not show signs of declining health as he greeted those paying their condolences at State House on Sunday, after his younger sister Bridget passed away in a Harare hospital.

His appearance quashed recent speculation about his health, with some media even claiming he died while on holiday in Singapore.

Presidential George Charamba last week dismissed the reports, saying the long-time president, in power for 33 years, was on his annual leave and in good health.

Mugabe takes a month-long-holiday each January, and has made several stays in southeast Asian countries.

Posted by: Fred 2014-01-21