
Iran sez it has arrested Iranian al-Qaeda backers
Oh goody, more "in custody" ...
Iran has arrested a number of Iranian supporters of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group, the country's intelligence minister was quoted as saying by state television on Saturday. "Iran's intelligence apparatus has identified and arrested small Iranian deviate branches of the al Qaeda group," state television quoted minister Ali Yunesi as saying. It did not elaborate or specify how many were detained. Yunesi warned Iran would take a tough line against militants using Iran as a base. "Those who seek to misuse the safe situation in Iran will face serious consequences," he said. Iran says it has arrested and repatriated hundreds of al Qaeda suspects in the last two years. It also says it wants to try other al Qaeda suspects it has detained who come from countries viewed as unfriendly.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-07-17