
Obama to bypass Congress in 2014, rule by agency decree
Rule? Nice ring to it for a despot.
[Daily Caller] White House officials say President Barack Obama will continue to aggressively use his control of federal agencies to impose his progressive agenda on the economy and society throughout 2014.

He'll largely continue to ignore GOP legislators, except to push GOP leaders to accept an amnesty for at least 12 million Democrat-leaning illegal immigrants, according to several White House officials who outlined the strategy to the Washington Post.

"Washington Stalinist veterans have been brought into the West Wing to emphasize an executive style of governing that aims to sidestep Congress more often," said the approving Washington Post article. The new plan "is to bring all of the government alive in a way we have never been very good at," said another official.

"We'll be doing that as aggressively as possible.... and if we succeed, that is a big presidency,"
and a very small constitution,
a senior administration official told the Post.

Obama's goals are more ambitious than what he had expected to get from the GOP after his 2012 reelection, an official said.

"Even in the best case -- if the [GOP's] fever had broken and the clouds had parted -- we still would have only gotten maybe 40 percent of what we wanted," said the official, who echoed Obama's frequent description of the GOP's conservative beliefs as the incoherent ravings of a sick patient.
Declaring your opposition insane was a familiar them in Stalin's Russia.
The new "pen and phone" strategy appears to be a more aggressive version of the post 2010 "We Can't Wait" strategy, in which Obama ha repeatedly promised to implement progressive policies when the GOP-led Congress refused to pass them.
"Pen and phone" please beware of constitution and gun.
Numerous GOP legislators, including House Speaker John Boehner, have protested Obama's unilateral actions as lawbreaking and unconstitutional.
Speaker Boehner, thou protesteth too much. Time for a legislation strike, legal actions, declarations of 'high crimes and misdemeanors,' sit-in on the Capital steps, along with a citizens march on Washington.
"If you look at what this administration has done -- from Obamacare to the Environmental Protection Agency to the [immigration enforcement], the rules and regulations and executive orders that he rolls out on the fly -- it is quite clear that he ignores what is in the law and he does what he wants to do," Louisiana Rep. John Fleming told The Daily Caller.
Posted by: Besoeker 2014-01-27