
From each according to his ability: Gov. Jerry Brown Speaks To KCAL9

The president called me today. He offered to do whatever he can do. He obviously can't make it rain (say what?!), he said.

But there are some parts of California that are more privileged from the point of view of water availability than others (Equality! For All!). So we have systems (and pens...and phones.). We can transfer it.

But there are a lot of water rights ( probably stolen from someone, and now the state can do with them as it wishes.), a lot of rules (rules pfffffffft, they're not exactly like "laws" or anything.), so we've got to cut through ("This might hurt a little bit.") that and make sure that those who need it most get the water to the extent we have it available.

("We" as in the Royal sense, I presume...)

HT: Drudge
Posted by: Uncle Phester 2014-01-31