
Yeti Sighting in New England
A resident in rural Maine, whose name was not reported, told a publication dedicated to sightings of mythical beings he -- or she -- saw a "white bigfoot."
The report surfaced in Cryptozoology News, a publication that tracks purported sightings of yetis, mermaids, leprechauns and other mythical creatures.

It was made by a person identified only as M.P., who lives in Litchfield, Maine, WMTW-TV, Portland reported.

"I never thought I'd get to see something like this," the report stated. "I've always laughed at all these bigfoot nuts, I had my reasons. Now I guess I'm the crazy one here. Unless it was a very good hoax played on me, that could be, but I tell you again, it ain't easy for a man to make those kind of moves. That didn't look human to me."

Some local residents weren't so sure.

"Most likely, its one of the big hairy guys around here, roaming around," said Litchfield resident Percy Gowell.

Posted by: Au Auric 2014-02-01