
Iran's Khamenei Demands 'Tolerance' for Rouhani Policies
[An Nahar] Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei renewed his confidence in President Hassan Rouhani Saturday, demanding tolerance from opponents who have criticized him over talks with world powers on Tehran's controversial nuclear program.

Khamenei spoke after days of public spats between Rouhani's government and hardline opponents and as Tehran held what it called a "satisfactory" round of talks with visiting U.N. inspectors.

The disputes have focused mostly on a deal struck with world powers in November that has put temporary curbs on Iran's nuclear activities in exchange for modest sanctions relief and the return of billions of dollars in frozen Iranian assets.

Without touching directly on the nature of those disagreements, Khamenei said "critics must exercise tolerance when it comes to the government."

"It has only been a few months since the government has taken the reign," Khamenei told commanders of Iran's air force in remarks reported by one of his websites, leader.ir.

"The statesmen must be given time to push forward strongly with their plans," said the supreme leader, who has the final say on all key state affairs, including the nuclear dossier.

Since the deal, hardliners in Iran have not shied away from criticizing the government and top nuclear negotiator and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

They argue that what Iran gained in the interim deal -- meant to last six months and also buy time for diplomacy over a comprehensive accord -- do not offset what it has compromised in its nuclear activities.

But Rouhani insists that the deal is bringing down the sanctions regime and "chains strangling Iran's economy" -- a main campaign promise of the self-proclaimed moderate, who took office in August.

Posted by: Fred 2014-02-09