
Nixon Faces Threat of Impeachment
By Dave Blount on February 12, 2014

No, not that Nixon. The headline refers to Jay Nixon, the Democratic Governor of Missouri. Some are getting fed up with his willingness to violate the state’s Constitution in order to impose a liberal agenda:

Rep. Nick Marshall, R-Parkville, has filed articles of impeachment in the first step toward attempting to remove Gov. Jay Nixon from office.

The resolution cites Nixon's executive order from November, which allows same-sex couples married in other states to file joint state taxes. It says Nixon is "guilty of willful neglect of duty and misconduct in office" for ignoring the Constitutional amendment passed by Missouri voters in 2004. That defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. The articles say Nixon's order on tax filings violates the constitution.

That isn’t Nixon’s only offense.

Rep. Mike Moon, R-Ash Grove, said late last month he would file articles of impeachment because of Nixon’s failure to quickly fill vacancies in the Legislature. Moon is a co-sponsor of the measure filed by Marshall.

Rep. T.J. Berry, R-Kearney, is also a co-sponsor. He said he thinks the governor "violated the spirit of the constitutional law."

That would be obvious. But the Nixon who would resign rather than put his constituents through the disgrace of impeachment belonged to a different age and a different party. Democrats are predictably denouncing the impeachment articles as a “publicity stunt.” They have not offered an alternate recourse for those who want to preserve the integrity of the state’s government by reigning in the arrogant lawlessness of the head of the executive branch.

By now you are probably reminded not so much of Richard Nixon, but of Barack Obama. Obama’s abuses of power that represent serious threats to our system of checks and balances include repeatedly rewriting ObamaCare on the fly, which he does not have constitutional authority to do; his explicit refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, despite his duty to faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress; his ignoring of Supreme Court rulings that don’t go his way, as with provisions of the Voting Rights Act that were found to be unconstitutional; his practice of making “recess appointments” when the Senate is not in recess, evidently out of fear that his radical appointments would not be approved; and the extreme arrogance he displayed by excoriating Supreme Court justices who sat helplessly before him during his 2010 State of the Union address, and by announcing during the recent 2014 SOTU that he would impose his agenda by working around Congress, both times aggressively violating the spirit of the Constitution.

Missouri House Speaker Tim Jones (R-Eureka) is noncommittal on going through with impeachment proceedings for Nixon, but says this: "Moving forward, I expect the members of the House to take a very reasoned, deliberative approach to what will be a very serious discussion about the governor’s alleged misuse of his constitutional authority.”

Would it be too much to ask for the same at the national level? The future of the country depends on it.

Posted by: Uncle Phester 2014-02-13