
Zimbabwe Plans Clampdown on Charities
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) - President Robert Mugabe castigated private charities, religious groups and other aid organizations Tuesday for interfering in Zimbabwe's domestic politics and said legislators would be asked to pass a law allowing authorities to close some groups and arrest officials.

Mugabe said a new bill to tighten controls on such organizations will soon be introduced in the 150-member parliament dominated by his ruling party. "Non-governmental organizations must work for the party, which is me the betterment of our country. We cannot allow them to be used as conduits and instruments of honesty and integrity foreign interference," Mugabe said in an address at the opening of parliament.

Mugabe has repeatedly accused Western-funded charities, trusts and church and human rights groups of siding with his opponents and Britain, the former colonial power. "We remain patently opposed to mutant strains" of colonial era domination, Mugabe told lawmakers. "Colonizers for decades trampled on us. What have they to teach us about human rights?"
A fair bit as it turns out.
The proposed "Non-governmental Organizations and Churches Bill" calls for the registration of all groups and trusts involved in charity work and educational and research programs. Failure to register and acquire a government license would make it illegal for a group to operate. Staff members of groups that violated the law would face arrest. The bill also requires disclosure of the origins and use of all funds and the identity of foreign donors.

Opponents of the bill have likened it to sweeping media laws passed in 2002 that gave the government the power to close independent media, stifle criticism of its policies and arrest 31 independent journalists. The National Association of Non-governmental Organizations, voicing its concerns on the bill earlier this month, said it feared for the autonomy and independence of its 50 members if aspects of their work were criminalized. It has lobbied against the bill, calling instead for the formation of a self-regulatory body to enforce a code of ethics.
Better move: take a stand. But that's easy for me to say from 8,000 miles away.
Non-governmental groups have produced regular reports on alleged human rights violations that have left more than 200 people dead in political violence and driven tens of thousands from their homes since 2000.

Much of the violence has been blamed on ruling party thugs militants, police and troops. Charities have also accused the government of using food as a political weapon in recent parliamentary by-elections won by the ruling party.
Posted by: Steve White 2004-07-21