
Frightened by Kerry "Ultimatum," Russian Troops Move out of Crimea & Further into Ukraine
From the Diplomad.
In line with his threat to the Assad regime that we would do "something unbelievably small" if the Syrian dictator didn't do what we said within a week, Pajama Boy's Secretary of State has delivered himself of yet another tough "ultimatum" on the world stage.

John Xmas in Cambodia Kerry bared his teeth, pounded his chest, and told Vladimir I Laugh Standing on Your Mother's Grave Putin that,
"There will be a response of some kind to the referendum itself," Kerry said. "If there is no sign [from Russia] of any capacity to respond to this issue ... there will be a very serious series of steps on Monday."

"Our hope is to have Russia join in respecting international law. ... There is no justification, no legality to this referendum that is taking place," he said. "The hope is that reason will prevail but there is no guarantee of that."

So come Monday, unless Putin begins to "respect international law" vis-a-vis Ukraine and does something or another in response to the phony referendum in Crimea, well, then, we are going to get together with the Europeans and start discussing some "serious steps."

The Russians are so terrified of riling up Obama's boys and girls, and those of indeterminate genders, that they immediately vetoed the UN resolution on Crimea and, apparently, have begun moving troops into the rest of Ukraine.

Kerry and his Euro friends mumble on about sanctions, but let's face it, those will prove nonsensical and the brunt of these sanctions will fall on the EU since they are major trading partners with Russia and we are not. So we have to talk the EU into doing something that will damage EU interests, and trust that the EU will keep on doing it. Right, you want fries with that order?

So while we gut our military, refuse to buy Canadian oil, or become energy independent and a major supplier of energy to Europe, we prattle on and on about sanctions and international law and solidarity with the Syrian opposition Ukraine. As noted before, we could neutralize Russia's leverage in the world very swiftly, without ever mentioning the word "sanctions." That, however, requires something we do not have, to wit, patriotic, committed, focused, and decisive leadership.

We have Obama.
Posted by: 3dc 2014-03-16