
$40 million needed each week to help Syrians
The delivery of humanitarian assistance, particularly to women, in crisis situations requires more innovative and cost effective tools and strategies, a UN official has said. Ertharin Cousin, executive director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), focused on the impacts war and disasters have on women’s safety, food security, health and education.

She explained that women and children make for more than three-quarters of those affected by disasters and crises. It is women who most often bear the crippling consequences, be they physical, psychological, social or economic.
Ertharin got her degrees in international and wimmins studies, I'm guessing...
Commenting on the Syrian humanitarian crises, Muhannad Hadi, WFP regional emergency coordinator for Syria and neighbouring countries, said: “The WFP moves around 40,000 metric tonnes of food each month to feed close to four million people across Syria. This is one of the WFP’s largest and most complex operations worldwide. We are grateful for the generous contributions that have enabled us to save lives. The WFP requires $40 million each week to assist affected people in Syria and refugees in neighbouring countries.”

Kristalina Georgirva, European commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian and Crisis Response (Echo), said: “The greatest challenges we face can be summed up in a word: Access. Hundreds of thousands of innocents are trapped behind and between fighting lines where our aid cannot reach. We need the fighters to respect civilians and humanitarian workers. That is why I was relieved when the UN Security Council passed a humanitarian resolution. Now we need to ensure that it is implemented and that respect for International Humanitarian Law is restored. The international community’s role in advocating for this is crucial.”
Posted by: Steve White 2014-03-27