
Boston Marathon report details 'missed opportunities' among law enforcement
[Rooters] Excerpt: A memo was also sent to the Customs and Border Protection database called TECS that would trigger an alert whenever he left or re-entered the United States.
And the memo said or directed... what again ?
They sent a memo. That's the important part. A's were C'd.
But when Tsarnaev went to New York's JFK airport in New York in January 2012 to board a flight to Moscow, he did not receive the requested screening.
"Didn't you get the memo?"
The report said there was no evidence that Customs and Border Protection officials at the airport examined Tsarnaev's TECS record. Tsarnaev was not on a No Fly list.
In other words, his travel was not questioned or impeded either coming or going. How convenient. Airfare is very expensive. Any info available regarding the source of his airline ticket funding and per diem? Phone calls or e-mails? I thought not.
That was a different memo.
After spending six months in the Russian region of Dagestan, an experience U.S. investigators suspect played an important role in his radicalization, Tsarnaev flew back to JFK airport on July 17, 2012. The report said there was no record that information was passed along among federal agencies, and he was not detained or questioned after his flight landed.
Not wishing to alert the source to surveillance and potentially compromise anything.
The report added that Tsarnaev's name on one of the alerts was misspelled "Tsarnayev."
Intelligence community search engines have the ability to 'rack and stack' name spellings in various letter combinations to prevent a miss.
Noting that after his return from Dagestan, Tsarnaev began to post "extremist-themed videos" and disrupted services at his mosque, the report said a second FBI assessment "or even the decision to expand into a preliminary investigation after Tamerlan Tsarnaev's return could potentially have yielded evidence to suggest that he had been radicalized."
No "expansion of investigation needed" when he's obviously making his way back to the lair. Interesting to note, a few of those he met with in Degestan were soon martyred after his departure. Probably just a coincidence.
"Please form a line so you can be martyred in an orderly manner!"
"This bipartisan report focuses on how evidence of the alleged bombers' intent to carry out a terrorist act were shared between local, state and federal agencies, and how in certain tragic instances, critical opportunities were overlooked," Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said in a statement.
"Sharing" of data can become highly restricted or terminate entirely when an agency assumes operational primacy. The rose is pinned on the FBI pass along [or not pass along] info to local law enforcement.
"Following through on the report's recommendations is critical to fixing serious gaps in our counterterrorism efforts."
We could dig up Anwar al-Awlaki and kill him again.
Shoulda put NSA on it from the first. They'd have everything on him from his first burp to his last gasp.
Posted by: Besoeker 2014-03-27