
'Allahu Akbar!': MILF militants celebrate peace deal
Fighters from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Camp Darapanan in Maguindanao province, fell silent as the final peace deal was being signed in Manila. But the militants chanted "Allahu Akbar!" as soon as the signing was officially declared. Some 10,000 fighters and supporters gathered under colorful tents as they closely monitored the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB).

MILF administrative officer Nasrullah Abdullah said an atmosphere of hope and optimism had overshadowed the military character of the militant group's main camp. He said, "The mood is very festive. We are so overwhelmed that members and supporters flocked to the camp. In fact, the attendance today is relatively larger than the attendance during the signing of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (in October last year)."

In Manila, kite flyers and enthusiasts gathered at a park for the symbolic release of kites for peace to dramatize their support for the CAB agreement. Two hours before the signing, members of the Kites Association of the Philippines (KAP), together with the National Youth Commission (NYC), the Young Moro Professionals Network (YMPN) and the OFWs for Peace, flew insect-shaped and statement kites. A kite saying "Fly high Pinas" adorned the sky along with other colorful kites that were flown to celebrate the historic signing of the peace agreement.

It was just another day in areas controlled by the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, an MILF breakaway group, in several towns in Maguindanao and North Cotabato, said miliant spokesperson Abu Misry Mama. He said, "I am not saying this because we want to criticize the signing, but this is the reality here. There are almost no green flags except for a few houses who are die-hard MILF members."

Mama said there was no reason to celebrate because the deal favored the government. He said, "And they should remember that the signing is not the end. It would still go through many processes, including that of Congress. The celebration today is a waste of money. They should have instead used it for social programs that would directly benefit Moro communities."

See also:
Timeline of the Moro insurgency
Posted by: ryuge 2014-03-28