
Salman Khan Visits Afghan Woman Shot By Husband
[Tolo News] World-famous Indian movie star Salman Khan spent two hours this week visiting with an 18-year-old Afghan woman who was in Mumbai receiving medical treatment after being shot in the face by her husband.

Shakila Zareen is currently undergoing intensive facial reconstruction surgery at the Apollo Hospital, according to local newspaper Deccan Chronicle. Her Afghan husband shot her in the face with a shotgun, which resulted in severe damage to her nose, eyes and hearing.

Salman Khan is one of Shakila's heroes, and once hospital workers at Apollo were made aware of her admiration, a social media campaign was launched by Dr. Shahin Nooreyezdan to arrange a meeting between the two.

Salman Khan, one of Bollywood's most famous male actors, met with Shakila at his mansion in Mumbai, where he spoke with her at length and posed for photos.

The movie star reportedly told young Shakila that his family had in fact fled Afghanistan over six generations ago because of the lack of law and order.

"They follow Islam, they say. But they don't follow any religion. All they believe is in dominating women, unlike Islam, which talks so much about women's power and their rights," Salman Khan told Shakila, according to the Deccan Chronicle.
Posted by: Fred 2014-03-31