
Sudan Arabs Seethe Over Attack U.S. Stand on Darfur 'Genocide'
Sudanese Arabs Friday slammed a U.S. congressional resolution describing atrocities in Darfur as "genocide," while people driven from their homes asked how Washington could make it safe for them to return. "Is Iraq not enough? Do they want to destroy us too? ... America wants everyone who is Arab to pay.
Warmer. You're getting warmer. It's not Iraq, stupid. IT'S THE TERRORISM AND GENOCIDE. That sh!t's gotta stop or we will come and kill you.
They do not understand anything," said 34-year-old driver Ismail Gasmalseed in Khartoum.
Yeah, our higher education just cripples us.
The U.S. Congress approved the resolution Thursday and its supporters hope it will help mobilize the international community to protect Africans in Darfur from Arab militias. But the Bush administration resisted calls Friday to declare Arab militia attacks on African villagers in Sudan genocide, a controversial label that would pressure the United States to do more to stop the violence.
An equally unacceptable stance.
Controversial? Seems pretty straight-forward to me.
The United Nations has declared the situation in Darfur the world's worst humanitarian crisis but has not called it a genocide, which would force it to take action.
Par for the course with these maggots.
Posted by: Zenster 2004-07-24