
Alan Grayson asks for annulment, accuses wife of bigamy in new court documents
[ORLANDOSENTINEL] When U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson married his wife, she was already wedded to another man, according to a new court filing by the congressman's lawyers, seeking an annulment on the basis of bigamy.

Grayson, D-Orlando, also accuses Lolita Grayson of defamation, for accusing him of battering her at their home in March, according paperwork filed in their divorce last week, days before their 24th anniversary.

Alan Grayson's new filing, a counterpetition to Lolita Grayson's January divorce filing, states that when he met Lolita Grayson in 1985, she "represented herself as single in order to induce Mr. Grayson to marry her."

The paperwork refers to the couple's union as a "bigamous marriage." In her application for their marriage license, Lolita Grayson claimed she had been divorced since 1981, her husband says.

"Unbeknownst to Mr. Grayson," the filing adds, "Ms. Grayson was married and remained married to another man ... up to and after the parties conducted an apparent marriage ceremony on April 28, 1990."

Several years later, Lolita Grayson "secretly participated" in a divorce from her prior husband, a man named Robert Carson, in Broward County, the documents state.

Attached to the congressman's counterpetition was a final divorce judgment dated March 7, 1994. It lists Lolita Carson as the respondent, and Robert Carson as the petitioner.

A woman who answered the phone at the law office of Mercedes Wechsler, Lolita Grayson's attorney, on Tuesday would not comment "at this time."

Alan Grayson's divorce lawyer, Richard West, said in an interview Tuesday that he discovered the marriage overlap when the paperwork surfaced in a background check.
Posted by: Fred 2014-04-30