
Pudgy getting pudgier...
North Korean leader Fat Boy Kim Jong-un is getting fatter, leading to rumors that he is suffering from stress and symptoms of heart disease, Free North Korea Radio reported Wednesday.
Or he's just eating eight thousand calories a day...
The rumors say Kim has been suffering the symptoms since the execution of his uncle Jang Song-taek and has been treated for them since January.
So he executes his uncle and what does he do? Dives into double chocolate cake...
When Kim first appeared in public, he appeared to weigh around 100 kg -- fat chubby, but not morbidly obese. But he started gaining weight at the beginning of this year.
Previously he was the only size 'XL' in all of North Korea. Now he's '2XLS'...
He has been gorging himself with food and drinking due to stress since Jang's execution last year, according to the rumors, showing signs of depression and facial paralysis.
"More cream pies, wench!"
The Seoul-based radio station run by a North Korean defector said that Kim's physicians noticed that he could not use his left arm freely and started losing his hair.
Cheez, his old man didn't do that until he was 70...
He has reportedly been undergoing treatment every Tuesday and Friday, but North Korean authorities are anxious to keep these rumors under wraps.

Recent photos of Kim show that his chin, cheeks and neck have filled out even more and he has become stouter. He often supports his back with his hands, which may be due to his weight.
When do they order the industrial chair?

Posted by: Steve White 2014-05-12