
Donetsk, Lugansk regions seek to join Russia
[Iran Press TV] The pro-Russia leader of the self-proclaimed Republic of Donetsk has asked Moscow to consider absorbing the region into Russia.

Donetsk's leader, Denis Pushilin, told news hounds on Monday that Moscow would be asked to consider absorbing the region, which borders Russia, into its fold.

Several other regional pro-Moscow leaders also say they have asked Moscow to consider absorption of the self-proclaimed independent Donetsk Republic.

The developments come after two eastern Ukrainian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from Kiev.

Sources say the two regions have begun preliminary talks on forging a union. Pushilin added that pro-Russia activists are discussing how to technically implement the idea.

...back at the saloon, Butch got the bill for the damage caused by the fist fight, the mirror broken in the shootout, and drinks for everyone......
activists in Lugansk said they are mulling holding a referendum on rejoining Russia.

Russia had earlier said it respects the results of independence referendums in eastern Ukraine.

Posted by: Fred 2014-05-13