
31 Dead in Chinese Market Attack
Thirty-one people are dead and more than 90 injured after attackers drove their cars into an open-air market in China and hurled explosives out the windows.

The attack occurred at 7.50am local time in the city of Urumqi, the capital of the volatile Xinjiang region, and has been described as a 'serious violent terrorist incident' by China's Ministry of Public Security. Two 4x4 vehicles rammed into shoppers in an open market, Xinhua news agency reported, citing witness reports.

Photos posted on social media purportedly of the blast, but not verified by Reuters, showed a column of smoke and chaos at the market, with bloodied people lying on the tree-lined road near small stands selling fruit, vegetables and eggs.Other photos showed riot police on the scene and bodies lying amid flames. Produce and debris were scattered across the street.

President Xi Jinping said police would 'step up patrols and security controls over possible terrorist targets and prevent ripple effects', Xinhua reported. Xi vowed to 'severely punish terrorists'.

A working group led by Guo Shengkun, China's Minister of Public Security, was dispatched to the region to investigate.
Posted by: Pappy 2014-05-23