
Why you read Rantburg: Today's headlines from ABC News
Kim and Kanye's Wedding: Details of the Decadent 4-Course Meal
Plus: Inside Kardashian's wardrobe change and all the lavish reception details.
Numbah one spot, so it must be the most important thing in the world today, if not tomorrow.
Hilarious Video: Kids React to Old Computers
"Where's the mouse?" was just one of the many questions that puzzled kids had.
This is gonna be on the Current Events part of Friday's quiz.
Just in time for Memorial Day: Boozy Slushie Delivery Service
Authorities are reportedly worried about what's in the mystery drinks.
We set aside one day a year to remember boozie slushies.
Pope Francis Pushes a Few Buttons as Middle East Trip Ends
The pope angered many Israelis, drew stark words from PM.
Pope Tweaks Jews' Big Noses
ALS Patient Lives Long Enough to See His Journey on Film
For Steve and Hope Dezember, life really did change in the blink of an eye.
Living long enough to see your Journey on Film is kind of like Valhallah, only without the fat girls in brass brassieres.
#YesAllWomen Campaign Gains Power on Social Media
Thousands speaking out against misogyny on Twitter.
If yer gonna end misogyny and stuff y'gotta sing Alice's Restaurant real loud and then tweet about it.
Santa Barbara Rampage Spotlights Therapists' 'Duty to Protect'
California law requires therapists to notify police of violent threats.
Who could be against having a therapist on every street corner? Think how much more secure you'd feel.
Shocking Catch! Fishermen Reel in Near-Extinct Sawfish
Shark-like creature has a blade of teeth that resembles a saw.
That's why they call it a sawfish. Really.
Top 6 Hair Salon Secrets You Should Know
What to do and not to do at the salon.
If you're getting thin on top you may not need to read this one.
How people are marking Memorial Day across the U.S.
My guess is barbecue. I saw a story the other day, though, that said if we didn't celebrate it the way we do the country wouldn't get into so many wars, so I guess some people are celebrating by wrinkling their noses and looking disapproving...
Patrick Swayze's Widow Lisa Niemi Remarries
Other brides this weekend included Lisa Edelstein of "House" and Casey Wilson.
Whoa! He died? When did that happen? And who are the other two?
Rapper Wiz Khalifa Arrested in Texas
The rapper was taken into custody at the El Paso airport.
"Hey, Yo!
Yo' cain't be a rappah
Wivvout a rap sheet!"

Heidi Klum Goes Low-Cut in the Hamptons
This month's hottest celebrity pictures.
Don't look. It'll scorch the eyes right out of your head.
Robert Kardashian Tweets for the First Time After Missing Kim and Kanye's Wedding
The reality TV star went to Paris, but skipped out on the nuptials in Florence.
Thereby clarifying for those of us who didn't know that not all Kardashians are female. I thought they reproduced by parthenogenesis and that Kanye and all the others were just their escorts. Second Kardashian headline of the day.
Katy Perry Goes Glittery in Glasgow
A look at the pop star's career and fashion.
If she keeps working at it she might be a Kardashian someday.
Kathy Freston attends WOMEN A.R.E Inaugural Summit
Presented By PANDORA at SLS Hotel, Nov. 7, 2013, in Beverly Hills, Calif.
I have no idea what that means. I'm too lazy to google it and only mildly curious as to why it's taken six months to make ABC News' home page. Or has it been there ever since?
Veg-Curious? New Site Offer Recipes, Tips for Going Meat-Free
Learn how to navigate restaurants, grocery stores and other food scenarios.
Best way to ensure a better life for our grandchildren, by Goo!
Boost your mood and energy levels with these hydration tips.
7 Surprising Reasons You're Dehydrated
If you drank more you would't have to worry about that.
Posted by: Fred 2014-05-27