
The Muslims' War Against Fun Is Killing Them
[PJMEDIA] We all know the Mohammedan world is a political and cultural disaster zone.

All you need to know is the spectacularly low level of book sales in the Arab world, and a similarly miserable record in winning Nobel prizes, whether in literature or hard science. A dozen years ago, a group of Arab scholars did a report for the United Nations
...an organization originally established to war on dictatorships which was promptly infiltrated by dictatorships and is now held in thrall to dictatorships...
that ascribed the failure of Arab society to a lack of freedom, knowledge and womenpower. And things have gotten considerably worse since 2002; the authors could write that there were no ethnic conflicts then. That's long gone.

Never mind a failed state; we're talking about a failed civilization, even in the most culturally advanced Mohammedan domain, the Islamic Theocratic Republic of Iran. The root of their failure is the War Against Fun. They're not only failures, but grim, humorless failures. This is the miserable common denominator of the Mohammedan world. As Jonathan Schanzer recently tweeted, "Saudi blocks Youtube. Iran blocks Instagram. We knew they could eventually find common ground."

They know it themselves, and talk about it a lot. Several writers in the Saudi press, for example, unloaded on the ban on celebrating Valentine's Day, as here:

[The answer] to most of our daily needs comes from the West, from the Christian world, of [the culture] we created in previous eras only a pittance remains... the prohibition on Valentine's Day bears no relation to faith or belief, but [only] to desert thinking that lacks subtlety, targets women specifically and prevents a social encounter between men and women and normal life as in other societies. The guardians of values and customs went overboard in pressuring our society...it has become desiccated and coarse and adopted the thinking and behavior of the desert..

Or in this tirade, quoted in the same article linked above:

What grabs attention is that those who ban imitating the West on Valentine's Day see nothing amiss in imitating the West in other ways, and are completely immersed in [Western] consumer culture and in devouring new Western products...

They know we're better. Some of them, seemingly more with the passage of time, are desperate and brave enough to risk life and limb to fight back on behalf of fun.

The War Against Fun is deadly because it stultifies and suffocates creative enterprise. If the regime wins, and fun is killed, it would mark the death of playfulness, which is the heart of creativity. The Iranians are (falsely, I think) credited with the invention of chess, but there are no brilliant Persian chess grandmasters nowadays. Iranian humor is nasty, misogynistic and often sadistic, like the unhappy country's ruling tyrants.
Posted by: Fred 2014-05-27