
Reporters Shocked When Their Targets Talk Back
John Hinderaker brings up an interesting point about what passes for journalism. It seems the Evil Koch Brothers will take emails from reporters who ask for information on them, and then publish it, and presumably the Koch's response. The idea is to get the information out in the open from the outset, so that an omission, or a lie on the journalist's part will stand out like a sore Obama ego.

The leftist reporters, such as Mother Jones' Daniel Schulman response is, of course, comedy gold.

As Mr. Schulman says, I have friends at Koch Industries who have, on a number of occasions, shared facts with me (which they usually have also publicized on KochFacts) that disprove false and misleading claims peddled by reporters and other political opponents. It appears that many reporters consider it dirty pool for the people they attack to respond to smears with facts—which tells you all you need to know about the state of modern journalism.

Finally, while Schulman's comments tell us a great deal about journalists and how they view the Kochs, I haven't read his book and have no knowledge as to its fairness, or lack thereof.
Posted by: badanov 2014-05-30