
Hunter S. Thompson's Odd Musings about Football Season and the Election
Sometimes I wonder how life can seem so drastically different to different people ... EFL, from ESPN.com's Page2 ...
What would this country be without football in October? That is a dangerous question, so I try not to worry. Only an imbecile would alienate every football freak in the country at a time like this.

What would we do without Brett Favre and NFL football this fall? It would be political suicide. Would the President do a thing like that?

Who knows for sure? He is already muttering about "postponing" the whole election, and that is almost as ugly as canceling a football season.

These rumors are dark and disturbing, especially for a football addict in July...

Where is Richard Nixon, now that we need him? He was crooked in every way and his hands were covered with blood -- but he was a rabid, high-rolling football fan with a sly taste for gin; and on some nights, he could be good company. Ah, but we live in a new century now, and the president is not a football fan. The first real game of the season will be a huge event for most of us; but for young George Bush, it will mean nothing. He will feel no relief, no escape from the same sense of doom that fell on his father, only 12 years ago. The old man failed when he tried to get re-elected, and so will his son. They both peaked too soon, about six months before football season; and after that, they sank like punctured fish.
This is Hunter's brain on drugs. Any questions?

Posted by: ExtremeModerate 2004-07-28