
Univ. of Wyoming Student Vet Banned From Reciting Pledge of Allegiance Because It Might Offend I
Army Staff Sergeant Cory Schroeder was told by University of Wyoming's (UW) student government that he would not be allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance before its meetings because it could offend international students.

Schroeder was newly elected in May as a senator in the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) government to serve for the upcoming school year. He has been in the Army for over six years and completed a tour of duty in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Schroeder became upset when he realized the meetings did not open with the option of saying the Pledge.

"Multiple senators
working towards their big boy/girl "D" designator, I assume.
sat me down and said it was a 'very touchy subject' and 'we don't want to offend anybody,'" Schroeder told Campus Reform.

According to Robert's Rules of Order, which the student government follows, time may be taken out at the beginning to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Instead of saying the Pledge, however, ASUW's mission statement is read aloud, which includes striving for "accurate representation" and "responsible effective leadership".
Looks like RRO needs an Order of Kumbaya?
Posted by: Uncle Phester 2014-06-18