
"defectors from the north"- Human Scum
Pyongyang, July 29 (KCNA)
A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland Thursday issued a statement denouncing the south Korean authorities for their anti-national act of taking a group of "defectors from the north" to south Korea. The statement said:
The south Korean authorities committed such anti-national act as taking a group of "defectors from the north" to south Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was organized and premeditated allurement, abduction and terrorism committed by the south Korean authorities against people in the north in broad daylight.

The north, therefore, considers this action as a flagrant violation of and challenge to the June 15 joint declaration in which the north and the south committed themselves to solve the issues related to the inter-Korean relations and the country's reunification independently by their concerted efforts and the most hostile act to destroy the system in the north. The successive south Korean rulers took the human scum who committed crimes in the north to south Korea to use them in the campaign for confrontation with the north.
The north can not but take a serious view of the fact that even in the era after the publication of the June 15 joint declaration the present south Korean authorities lured and abducted a group of northerners by more crafty and vicious methods, repeating their predecessors' crimes.
"They waved a pork chop at us, how more vicious and crafty can you get?"
"Tree bark, well, tree bark we could handle. But a pork chop? And the secret sauce!"
What merits a serious attention is that this terrorism was timed to coincide with the U.S. House of Representatives' recent passage of the "bill on human rights issue in north Korea." By nature the issue of "defectors from the north" is a product of the anti-DPRK campaign the U.S. is escalating by using a lot of money and materials in a bid to destroy people-centered socialism of Korean style.
You knew it was our fault, somehow.
Had to be us. Couldn't be anybody else, except maybe Zionists...
The north will never allow the south Korean authorities to impair the international prestige and image of the DPRK and realize the "change of its system" in pursuance of the U.S. campaign. The Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland bitterly condemns in the name of the whole nation standing for its unity and reunification the above-mentioned crime committed by the south Korean authorities to drive the inter-Korean relations to a phase of acute confrontation. The south Korean authorities are feeling uneasy, seized by extreme guilty conscience after luring and abducting those northerners like alley cats.
"... Tasty alley cats! Plump and juicy from eating mice! Plump mice! Well-fed and meaty mice..."
The recent criminal act committed by the south Korean authorities is sparking off fresh antagonism and confrontation between the north and the south and throwing insurmountable obstacles in the way of improving the inter-Korean relations. The north will never remain a passive onlooker to this crime but settle accounts with them. The south Korean authorities will be held wholly accountable for the ensuing consequences and other forces who supported them will have to pay a high price for them.
God, that's lame. Wonder if the old writers skipped town with the human scum.

Posted by: Steve 2004-07-30