
Kurds, outgunned by fanatical ISIS, hope looming Baghdad battle buys time for weapons upgrade
[FoxNews] The terrorist army, which seeks to establish a caliphate, or nation under strict Muslim law, in northern Iraq and Syria, is flush with stolen cash and seized U.S. weaponry after its recent conquests. Peshmerga soldiers said their weapons include a handful of tanks and many AK-47s, although they are older models and in many cases unworkable. Given the tenuous relationship Kurds have with the central government in Baghdad -- as well as that city's own needs -- no weapons are forthcoming from the Iraqi government. And foreign nations are hesitant to provide weapons to the army of a semi-autonomous government in an unstable region.
B. O. can send weapons to the Kurds. There has to be some M198 155mm howitzers laying about.

The following is from Slemani Times.

Slemani Times @SlemaniTimes - 4h

Reports coming from #Mosul state that dozens of local girls have been forcibly married to #ISIS fighters. #TwitterKurds #Iraq #USA #Syria

Slemani Times @SlemaniTimes - 4h

3 Sunni girls have committed suicide after being forced to marry #ISIS fighters in #Mosul. #TwitterKurds #Iraq #Syria #USA #KDP #PUK #Iran

Slemani Times @SlemaniTimes - 5h

If Kurdish peshmerga "don't receive real support & weapons, #ISIS will gain more territory, Kurds will be abandoned again." #TwitterKurds
Posted by: Squinty 2014-06-21