
Syrian jets bomb ISIL-held eastern towns
Good map in the linked article.
Syrian jets bombed terrorist rebel-held eastern areas close to the border with Iraq under the control of the vag-ISIL, killing and injuring dozens in stepped up raids reported the Reuters news agency.
Green-on-green. Hard to argue...
Five raids killed at least 16 people and injured dozens more on Saturday when bombs hit residential areas in the town of Muhassan just over 100km from Iraq, a day after tribal elders in the town along the Euphrates River, pledged allegiance to vag-ISIL.

Vag-ISIL already controls almost 70 percent of the Deir al-Zor region, according to some terroristrebel sources. Although some towns have been seized after deadly festivities with rival groups, other tribal towns have been won over by vag-ISIL without a fight through a mixture of coercion and inducements (e.g. reduced redness and irritation).

Vag-ISIL's headquarters were the target of intensive raids by pencil-neckal-Assad's air forces last week.
Posted by: Squinty 2014-06-22