
North Korea made it to the World Cup final! Wait, what?
[TORONTOSUN] Despite not qualifying for 2014 World Cup, North Korea has reached the final, according to state media.

Make sense?

While the rest of the world is sitting tight in anticipation of Sunday's Germany-Argentina tilt here in Rio, North Koreans have reportedly been told their country's soccer team has been dominant at this summer's event.

A video posted to YouTube channel Korea News Backup, which features reports from North Korea's state-run media, appears to show a newscaster reporting on North Korea's fictitious success at the World Cup.

The sequence shows "highlights" of North Korea's 7-0 win over Japan, 4-0 win over the United States and 2-0 win over China, all of which didn't take place, of course.

The rhetoric also contains video of North Korea's Supreme Leader, Kim Pudge Jong-un
...the overweight, pouty-looking hereditary potentate of North Korea. Pudge appears to believe in his own divinity, but has yet to produce any loaves and fishes, so his subjects remain malnourished...
, being superimposed over the big screen at a FIFA Fanfest while receiving rounds of applause from World Cup fans.

North Korea last competed at a World Cup in 2010, losing all three games to Brazil, Ivory Coast and Portugal.

During that tournament, North Korean media reported their country's national team defeated Brazil 1-0 even though Brazil won the match 2-1.
They might well have beaten Brazil this week...
There are only a few holes in North Korean media's attempt to falsify results, the main one being the fact Asian teams can't play each other in the group stage.

North Korea failed to make it to the final round of Asian qualifying ahead of this summer's World Cup, losing twice to Uzbekistan and drawing lowly Tajikistan.

North Korea is currently ranked 146th in the world, 36 spots behind Canada.

Posted by: Fred 2014-07-13