
Tater gets welcome home barbecue from U. S. Troops
US troops surround Najaf home of Shiite militia leader
US troops surrounded the home of wanted Shiite Muslim radical leader Moqtada Sadr in the central Iraqi holy city of Najaf, an AFP correspondent witnessed. US armoured vehicles, backed by Iraqi security forces, cordoned off the Al-Zahra neighbourhood, where Sadr's home is located in the eastern part of the city. Smoke was seen rising from the area Monday amid the sound of heavy gunfire, mortar fire and rocket-propelled grenade explosions.

More from the Scotsman at 12:15 PM CDT:
American forces fought with gunmen protecting rebel Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's house in clashes that killed one woman and wounded three others in the Iraqi holy city of Kufa. At least six US military vehicles entered the Zahra area in Kufa near al-Sadr's house, which is protected by his militia, the Mahdi Army, witnesses said.Barrages of gunfire and mortar rounds set cars on fire before Iraqi police intervened and the US forces withdrew, witnesses said. "One woman was killed and we have three injured," said Ajwak Kadhim, director at Al-Hakim Hospital in Kufa, 100 miles south of Baghdad.
Posted by: Mr. Davis 2004-08-02