
Greek Guerrilla Suspects Walk Free Before Olympics
Three suspected members of Greece's oldest urban guerrilla group were released on bail on Monday, promising they posed no terrorist threat less than two weeks before the start of the Athens Olympics. The suspects -- on trial for murder, attempted murder and scores of bomb attacks -- were released from the Korydallos top security jail in Athens in a move likely to embarrass the government, which has spent 1 billion euros on security for the Aug. 13-29 Olympics. The three suspected members of the leftist Revolutionary Popular Struggle (ELA) were released under Greek custody laws which forbid authorities to detain suspects on trial for longer than 18 months pending a verdict.
Is public safety superceded by individual rights?
Angeletos Kanas, one of the three, said he posed no threat. "Why should anyone fear me," he told reporters outside the prison.
My guess would center on your complicity in bombing attacks and murders.
"There are people who have been branded terrorists from the North Pole to the South Pole in the past few years so nobody should fear me." The two men and one woman join two more defendants already released on health and legal grounds, and must stay in Athens and report to police authorities three times a month until the end of the trial. If found guilty they will return to prison.
Actually, the Eskimoes and Antarctic science crews have proven remarkably free of terrorists. It's the warmer climes that seem to be infested with violent fanatics.
Posted by: Zenster 2004-08-02