
DIA's Gen Mike Flynn's Last Interview: Iconoclast Departs DIA With A Warning
[Breaking Defense] James Kitfield: DIA is tracking global crises from Ukraine to the Mideast to North Korea and the Western Pacific. Have you ever seen so many crises occurring simultaneously?

Flynn: No. I come into this office every morning, and other than a short jog to clear my head, I spend two to three hours reading intelligence reports. I will frankly tell you that what I see each day is the most uncertain, chaotic and confused international environment that I've witnessed in my entire career. There were probably more dangerous times such as when the Nazis and [Japanese] Imperialists were trying to dominate the world, but we're in another very dangerous era. We rightfully talk about the last decade being the longest war in American history, for instance, but when we pull combat troops out of Afghanistan at the end of this year, it's not going to feel like that war is over. To me, it feels like we'll be facing a familiar threat and heightened uncertainty for a long time yet.
I hope and pray someone is listening.
We are, and I'm sure there are others here and there. Some of them will be in a position to do something when the time comes, just as some were ready to provision the Kurds -- just in time.

Posted by: Besoeker 2014-08-10