
Islamic wife-swapping sect raided
Several people have been killed after Nigerian police raided the headquarters of an Islamic sect, whose members exchanged their wives.
The wives think of it as swapping husbands...
Members of the Yan-Gwagwarmaya sect battled the police with guns and machetes before being overwhelmed, the police say. Residents of the remote north-western town of Birnin Kebbi complained after they tried to recruit local youths.
"Want some candy, little youth?"
"Hey, keep your hands off our youths!"
Five policemen, including an assistant commissioner, were seriously injured.
"They got Officer Friendly! Damn them!"
Should have given Officer Fife more than one bullet.
The group's leader, Sanusi Makera-Gandu was also badly hurt in the clashes.
"They got Fearless Leader! Damn them!"
The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt in the capital, Abuja, says this is the latest in a series of such incidents in Nigeria involving Muslim youths who set up their own communities and refused to accept conventional civil or religious authority.
"Hain't nobuddy tells us what to do!"
The authorities refuse to say exactly how many people were killed in the raid. The sect had incensed other local Muslim groups by calling their base the Kabah - after Islam's holiest site in the Saudi Arabian town of Mecca.
"Hey! Youse can't do dat!"
That'll get you wacked.
"Dey don't even have a big black rock to march around!"
They walked around the courtyard of their base as Muslims do on the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Interesting, an African islamic start-up splinter sect, one that doesn't bow down to Mecca. The Saudis will be furious, I like it.
Casualty figures are extremely sensitive in Nigeria - and are often played down for fear of inflaming tensions. In January, another Islamic sect calling itself the Taleban attacked police stations in north-eastern Nigeria.
Maybe we can arrange a African Islam vs Arab Islam steel-cage death match.
Already have one of those, it's called "Darfur".
I'll call for pizza...

Posted by: Steve 2004-08-05