
Abu Ghraib General Claims Conspiracy

... Karpinski told British Broadcasting Corp. radio that she had information suggesting officials took action to keep her in the dark about the mistreatment.

"I have been told there's a reliable witness who's made a statement ... indicating that not only was I not included in any of the meetings discussing interrogation operations, but specific measures were taken to ensure I would not have access to those facilities, that information or any of the details of interrogations at Abu Ghraib or anywhere else," Karpinski said. She didn't identify the witness.

"Correct," Karpinski responded when asked if she thought there was a conspiracy at senior level to stop her knowing what was going on.

"From what I understand ... it was people that had full knowledge of what was going on out at Abu Ghraib who knew that they had to keep Janis Karpinski from discovering any of those activities," she added.

Asked whether she thought the conspiracy reached up to the Pentagon or the White House, she said: "The indication is that it may have."


Karpinski seems to be a class A1 idiot. I don't know why she would think that going to the British press is going to help her case.
As for the conspiracy theory, of course there was one. Did she expect that the perpetrators would have drafted status reports about their activities to keep the chain of command informed of their activities? They were a group of people engaged in organized and criminal activity - a conspiracy - and went out of their way to prevent information about their activities from reaching those who were in change and were not part of the abuse.
Karpinski is not guilty of leading a prisoner around by a leash or giving her people orders to do such. She is guilty of being in charge of an embarrassing sloppy and inept operation; in which discipline was so lax that chaos reigned.
As for why information was kept from her after the incidents in question, it is standard to not provide information on the investigation in progress to a possible/probable subject of the investigation. Anyway, at that point Karpinski had already committed her crime: a total failure to lead.

Posted by: Super Hose 2004-08-05