
In the Prophet's Time, Such People Were Killed by His Companions!
From The Islam Council of Britain
When Allaah (swt) speaks about ... murtaddeen (apostates — those who used to be Muslim then became kaafir), he often describes them in a state where they themselves believe they are Muslims, while in actual fact they are kuffaar (disbelievers in Islaam). .... So who are these kuffaar that claim to be Muslims? .... The answer is very clear ... It is those who claim to be Muslims yet they tell us to become kaafir by voting for man-made law and the kuffaar, become MP's, join the police force and the army of Taaghout (non-Muslims) and claim that Jews, Christians and Muslims are all the same and are a single brotherhood 
 a'oudhu billaah!

These apostates are cursed by almighty Allaah (swt), are destined for eternal torture in the hereafter and are the cause of fitnah and corruption among the Muslims. .... In the time of the Prophet (saw) people like these were fought against and killed by the Sahaabah (companions of the Prophet). However, in our sad time of humiliation and weakness, these kuffaar are praised and shown as role models for Muslims to follow. They are even given titles such as 'Imaam' or 'the world's most renowned scholar of Islaam'!!

These people are kaafir for their allegiance with the non-Muslims, praising them and claiming that they are equal to Muslims. They have on numerous occasions come on TV and public platforms calling Muslims to become part of the army, police and intelligence of the kuffaar — the enemies of Allaah. It is haraam (prohibited) and could lead to apostasy to attend their talks, lectures, debates or discussions. .... We call upon all Muslims not to attend the talks or conferences of those who call for interfaith between Muslims and kuffaar, alliance and co-operation with the enemies of Allaah, to vote for man-made law or commit any other form of kufr or shirk.

We must stand by the true scholars of Islaam who are either behind bars or labelled as extremists or terrorists and work collective in a jamaa'ah (collective body) to rid the earth from our kaafir apostate rulers (and those who support them) and their oppressive regimes and implement the sharee'ah, as a matter of obligation and Tawheed.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-08-06