
Israel to field it's first all-woman combat air squadron

A revolution is taking place in the air force: ten years after the IAF was forced to open the doors to its prestigious training course to women, the air force is showing initiative and is showing off a unique combat squadron that composed solely by women.

In the new squadron, all positions are staffed by members of the fairer sex: from the combat pilot to the operations officer, training officer, air traffic control sergeant right down to the ground technician.


The IAF explains that senior positions, such as squadron command requires experiences and as time passes, these positions will be filled by women as well. Major General Eliezar Shkedi referred to his vision regarding the integration of women in the air force and emphasized: "We have an excellent combat squadron, not just a good one. Women will be given every opportunity to do whatever they are capable of."

Posted by: Doc8404 2004-08-06