
I Say, Yee-Haw, Chaps!
Those of you who get the Trio channel on digital cable or satellite (this does not include me) might like to check out TEXAS: America Supersized, written and narrated and hosted by Christopher Hitchens, premiering tonight at 9pm Eastern. The Houston Chronicle is understandably nervous:
Christopher Hitchens can be nasty when he wants to be, which is often. The renowned British journalist has taken infamous swipes of his poisonous pen at Henry Kissinger, Princess Diana and, for goodness' sake, Mother Teresa...[I]t pays to be wary when Hitchens comes calling, as he does Sunday with the documentary Texas: America Supersized. But it's safe to come out now...Hitchens leaves the Lone Star State intact.

This Slate article says, Hitchens...asks: "With a Texan in the White House, are Texan values taking over America?"...[Hitchens is] a dapper chap who appears to enjoy the limelight as he drives around the state, buying elephant-leather cowboy boots or riding in a border patrol vessel along the Mexican border, his lank locks flowing behind him in the wind.

The New York Daily News has a photo of Hitchens in cowboy get-up. Spot of all right, ain't it? Molly Ivins, Kinky Friedman, and Larry McMurtry are interviewed.

The documentary airs several times over the month, and is part of a month-long Texas focus by Trio, including programs such as Teenage Texas Virgins, Turning Muslim in Texas, and Good Clean Porn: Debbie Does Dallas. (No, really. I think it's a kind of "making of" thing.) See the Trio site for details and times.

Ordinarily I would not shill for a TV channel, especially one I can't watch, but I thought y'all would get a kick out of Hitchens as cowboy.

Posted by: Angie Schultz 2004-08-07