
A Mod: "The Rantburg cupboard, it has no bread" said Mayor Fred
as he grabbed the two middle knobs and swung open the doors.

It need not be so.

So Rantburgers, we need to fill that cupboard with lots of bread or how else can we continue to give Obama a strategy for this War on Terror? Plus, all the other info we gain from attending Rantburg U.

Go online and check your bank balance, or check out which credit card is yet to be maxed out, and Mayor Fred will continue to govern this place we call Rantburg in his superb manner.

Scroll down and keep looking.... you got the PayPal, the Amazon and the credit card. For credit card, click on the Donate button.... below the PayPal stuff are the icons of the credit cards and the word Continue, click it and you are a Go for your buying a loaf of bread.

Need to snail mail a check to Fred? Or, have a question? Make a comment and a mod will help you.

Fill that cupboard people, Fred can't do this by himself.
Posted by: Sherry 2014-09-09