
Kerry's Controversial War Record

I am an Independent. I am not a registered Republican, nor a registered Democrat. In order to maintain my credibility I have taken a neutral stance regarding Kerry's War Record. Several disturbing questions need to be answered by Kerry.

1. Why did he serve only four months when the standard Tour of Duty was one year?

2. RE: His Purple Hearts. We understand the first was for a piece of shrapnel the size of a rose thorn; the second was when he got hit with rice that exploded on a Sampan; the third was when his butt got knocked against the Pilot House of his boat. Is he proud to have requested purple hearts for such minor injuries, none of which required any loss of duty time nor hospitalization.

3. Did he or did he not shoot a retreating Vietnamese teenager in the back?

4. Why does he disavow the word of over two hundred honorably discharged Vietnam Veterans who served on Swift Boats?

These questions would be asked by any serious Journalist. The hack from the Boston Globe who claims that a Veteran has retracted his criticism of Kerry has not done so.

One of the most common lies I am hearing coming out of the Demoncat Spoke-mouths is, "none of these men ever served with Kerry." That is false. Steve Gardner who says Kerry is a liar and a Coward was Kerry's Machine Gunner and was stationed on the same boat as Kerry.

"In May, 2004, 190 Members of this group signed a letter to Kerry asking him to sign a Navy Standard Form 180, which would authorize the independent public release of all Kerry's war records allowing them to be reviewed in full by the public and press, and allow people to better judge who is telling the truth in this controversy. Thus far, Kerry has not signed the form." --- Human Events Online

Posted by: Mark Espinola 2004-08-07