
American Muslims United Against Violent Extremism. Honest
[ABNA.IR] On Wednesday, Sept. 10, American Moslem Imams, leaders, and organizations will hold a national summit and presser with national and regional community leaders. We have also invited law enforcement to the National Press Club to address the escalation of violent extremism by ISIS and the community's response to the potential for threats against the U.S. homeland.

On the eve of the 13th anniversary of 9/11, we remember the victims and families of the horrific terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of almost 3,000 Americans. We will reaffirm the Islamic principles of condemnation of terrorism, protection of life and religious freedom.

The horrific murders of American journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley are reminders of the need for Americans to remain vigilant in communities across the country. In confronting violent extremism in the United States, communities and leaders have responded with multiple initiatives to counter this toxic narrative including, fatwas (edicts) , counter-narrative and online radicalization prevention programs and community intervention programs like the "Safe Spaces Initiative: Tools for Developing Healthy Communities," which all serve as a critical component, in partnership with law enforcement to prevent, intervene or eject individuals who may be susceptible to violent extremism.

During the summit and presser, American Moslem leaders will reaffirm the fatwa against extremism and unveil programs and initiatives that counter toxic narratives and ideas used to recruit vulnerable individuals.

Posted by: Fred 2014-09-11