
New agreement enhances current truce in Ukraina

Translated text only

All terms and conditions of the agreements reached tripartite contact group to address the crisis in Ukraine in Minsk, will be performed during the day. ITAR-TASS quoted the Russian ambassador to Kiev Zurabov that, perhaps too optimistic.

According to the diplomat, the progress already evident: after the armistice on September 5 from captivity were released 120 troops (obviously Zourabov meant Ukrainian soldiers, - Zarusskiy.Org), and the number of clashes has decreased by 70%, reports BBC .

Prime Minister of People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko, in turn, said that the memorandum on the implementation of the protocol of September 5, put "an end to the firing collision."

At the talks in Minsk nine parameters were agreed ceasefire. This was after the completion of the negotiations said the former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, RIA Novosti reported.

1 Termination of use of weapons considered to be common.
2 Stop departments and units of the parties on the contact line as of September 19.
3 The prohibition of all weapons and conducting offensive operations.
4 For the day of the adoption of this memorandum removal of weapons with a caliber exceeding 100 millimeters from the line of contact of at least 15 kilometers on each side, including the settlements, which makes it possible to create a zone of termination of the use of weapons of width not less than 30 kilometers - the security zone.
5 Prohibition of placing heavy weapons and heavy equipment in an area bounded by certain localities.
6 Prevent the installation of new mines and explosive engineering obstacles in the safety area, the obligation to withdraw the previously installed minefields in the security zone.
7 no-fly aircraft and foreign aircraft, except vehicles of the OSCE over the security zone.
8 Deploy in the zone of termination of engagement of the OSCE monitoring mission with a group of observers to the organization during the day from the date of this memorandum. The above area should be divided into sectors, the number of boundaries which agree in preparation for the work of the Monitoring Group of the OSCE observation mission
9 Withdrawal of all foreign mercenaries from the conflict zone as the one and the other. The parties also agreed to continue the exchange of prisoners.

DNR status and LC in Minsk was not discussed.
Posted by: badanov 2014-09-20