
LeT cadres fleeing US arrest plans
Following a US FBI and CIA demand for interrogating one-hundred-and-forty-five Pakistan-based terrorists, the Lashkar-e-Taiba and three other jihadi groups are making hectic plans to ship out their high-ranking cadres to East Africa. After October this year, General Parvez Musharraf is expected to gain full control of the government, with the exit of generals opposed to him and his pro-US policies, and the LeT and other terrorist groups fear a largescale crackdown then, and are evacuating their top cadres abroad preemptively.
I'd like to see Perv carry out a serious crackdown, and I'm sure that he will at some point. Of course, I'm also convinced that when my general level of antiquity starts leading me into the toothless stage I'll have periodic visits by the Tooth Fairy, which will give me something to get by on in my old age...
The US list of the most-wanted LeT and other terrorists was handed secretly to Pakistan, but leaked by Mahmoud the Weasel pro-jihadi generals to the groups, although Western diplomats say, it could also be a US ploy to disperse the ultras crowded in the country to far-flung places so that their plans to attack the American mainland before the November presidential elections are disrupted.
Sounds a little too subtle for us...
"It is almost certain that the US would have known its most-wanted list would be leaked by the jihadi generals," said a Western diplomat, "so I would assume the US wanted to scare off the terrorists before they could create terror in the presidential elections. The 145 men may not even be the most wanted, but they wouldn't want to risk being arrested by US authorities."
Posted by: Paul Moloney 2004-08-10