
China envoy concerned about U.S. missile-defense system in S. Korea
BEIJING -- A move by the United States to deploy its advanced missile-defense system in South Korea is likely to irritate North Korea and would run counter to diplomatic efforts to resume long-stalled six-nation talks on the North's nuclear weapons program, China's deputy chief envoy to the talks said Friday.

China has long voiced concerns over the U.S. move to deploy THAAD (Theater High Altitude Area Defense) missiles in South Korea against missile threats from North Korea, but it appears to be the first time that a senior Chinese diplomat has publicly commented on the issue.
If the Chinese were as smart at playing the long game as most people give them credit for, they'd recognize that the instant North Korea was no longer a threat to either the South or to Japan, the U.S. would be out of the Korean peninsula completely, or nearly so. We'd simply have no reason to be there, as the South would have sufficient deterrence to prevent China from doing anything stupid, and the South and the Chinese are finding plenty of ways to get along.

Remove Pudgy and the evil generals running the North, and either replace them with Chinese-picked made men who can run the place competently and quietly, or split the North between China and the South. Everyone wins, most especially the North Korean people, and we go home.
"The United States has recently bolstered its military alliance with South Korea and Japan, based on the nuclear crisis of North Korea," Xu Bu, China's deputy chief envoy to the six-party talks, told a forum at Peking University.

"The United States has also strengthened its military presence in Northeast Asia by pushing to deploy its missile-defense system in this region," Xu said.

"These moves would spark strong dissatisfaction from North Korea," Xu said.
Precisely. It's the cause-and-effect thing that most thugs in the world rail against...
In spite of international sanctions, North Korea continues to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

Xu said, however, "Sanctions and pressure can't fundamentally resolve the North Korean nuclear issue."
Assassination however would resolve the situation nicely. As Josef Stalin once pointed out, when a man is causing you a problem, remember: no man, no problem...
South Korea and the U.S. have called on China to play a greater role in leading North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, but Beijing's diplomacy still appears to put priority on stability, rather than the denuclearization of North Korea.
Their priority is to use the Norks as a stick with which to poke us. It works, too...
Xu also reiterated China's stance that the six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear issue must be resumed at an early date, although Pyongyang has shown no signs of giving up its nuclear ambition.

"We don't expect everything to go very well, but nothing can be resolved unless we do negotiations," Xu said.

North Korea wants an unconditional resumption of the six-party talks, but South Korea and the U.S. demand that Pyongyang first take concrete steps to show its denuclearization commitment.
Posted by: Steve White 2014-10-19